Hi! my name is Kimberly. My family calls me Kiki, but to my 3 little minions I am simply Mom. I was originally going to make a website to help promote my online business but ultimately decided to start a family page. You see my children have been on their dad (Darryl) and I for literally years about posting their ideas online, primarily on YouTube.
When I started working on my own website I got an idea, why not have a site where every member of our family can share whatever they want to share. The kids can post and share their art and ideas and link the YouTube channel (yes we finally caved on making one lol), I can share my hand crafted goods and finally start that blog I’ve been toying with for the last few years and Dad can use the site as a space to try out all his ideas.
Ultimately, I started this page as a way to keep track of that all. I DO also have the hope that this site can be a place where not only my family but others as well can share and create together. I hope you’ll join us on this chaotic journey! My family and I would love to have you along for the ride.